Sunday, August 03, 2014

12 - 04.08.14 : رفع الدعم بين مؤيد و معارض

يظل موضوع رفع الدعم بين مؤيد و معارض في أية حال ..

فرأيي حول الموضوع فيه تحفظات نتجت عن طريقة مواصلة الحكومة في إدارة الأزمات بشكل ردة فعل بدلاً عن إتخاذ الجانب الوقائي لعواقب قد تكون أسوأ (و الذي لا نتمناه) أو/و بدلاً عن إتخاذ جانب تمهيدي للشعب الذي له الحق بالإلمام عن أسباب رفع الدعم كونه المستهلك لهذه المشتقات.. 

أرى أن رفع الدعم عن المشتقات النفطية هو شرٌ لا بد منه كان لابد ان يكون عاجلاً (كما حصل) او آجلاً كأحد الحلول للأزمة الإقتصادية.. و لكن في نفس الوقت، لدي تحفظ عن طريقة الإعلان و تطبيق القرار في نقاط كانت لابد إما أن تحصل قبل القرار، او توازياً مع الإعلان وهم:

- أولاً: أن تقوم الحكومة بتوعية الشعب قبل الإعلان عن الرفع، بالحقائق الفعلية للأسعار الحقيقة للمشتقات و نسبة الرفع و التي توضح أهميته، و العواقب التي ستنتج عنه. التوعية بنظري كان ممكن تكون بشكل حملات توعوية تنظم مسبقاً على نطاق واسع تتكفل بها الحكومة. للأنه للأسف لاحظنا الفلسفة التي ظهرت من أناس غير ملمين بخلفية الرفع و نجدهم يخضوا مع الخائضين فيسبوكياً باللطم و النواح، و لا نلومهم لأنهم لم يلقوا الوعي الصحيح.

- ثانياً: الرفع التدريجي بنسب و بمراحل كان ممكن يهيئ الشعب من غير أن يتضرر إقتصادياً بضربة واحدة خصوصاً الغلاء الذي سينتج فوق المواد الإستهلاكية، فالرفعة التي حصلت (و التي تصل بنسبة ٩٥٪ زيادة لدبة الديزل و ٦٠٪ لدبة البترول) لو جُدولت بفترات و بشكل شفاف للمواطن، ستكون نسبة تَقبُل الجرعة من المواطنين اكبر مما هو عليه الأن.

- ثالثاً: لاحظنا التأخير في اتخاذ قرار رفع الدعم خلال قرابة السبع الأشهر الماضية بين نفي لقرار الدعم من قيادة الحكومة و بين إستمرار الأزمة ممثلة في طوابير طويلة في المحطات و كأنها أزمة مفتعلة اختلقتها الحكومة لتهدد المواطن بالموت (و هو: انعدام المشتقات) فترضى بالحمى (و هي: الزيادة في السعر - قرار الجرعة). و ذلك فسره الكثير بضعف القيادة في اتخاذ القرار و قد فقد الكثير المصداقية و الثقة في ادارة الدولة الحالية.

- رابعاً: الأحرى مع إعلان رفع الدعم ان يتم تشكيل لجنة و الإعلان عليها بالتوازي و التي من مهامها مراقبة المبالغ التي ستوفر من رفع الدعم ليرتاح المواطن الان بأن التوفير لن يكون بين يدي إدارة ستواصل عمليات الفساد، و عليه يتم الإستغلال الصحيح من هذا التوفير للإصلاح الاقتصادي للعجز الحالي لميزانية الدولة.

-  خامسا و أخيراً: إتخاذ إجراءت موازية لتجفيف منابع الفساد: مثل منع الازدواج الوظيفي. فمثلاً، ادراج و تطبيق نظام البصمة في المؤسسات العسكرية و أشعارهم بأنهم جزء لا يتجزأ من الإصلاح الاقتصادي الذي ايضاً شارك فيه المواطن البسيط في التكلفة الزائدة الي يتحملها في المشتقات. بمثل هذا الإجراء، يشعر المواطن بأنها مسؤلية الجميع في التخفيف عن العجز الاقتصادي الحاصل. (و قد يكون هناك اجراء آخر يساهم في التقليص من عجز ميزانية الدولة)

أختم بأننا في وقتنا الحالي و في ظل الأزمة الحالية، نحتاج أن يكون الكل جزء من إيجاد الحلول أقلها في طريقة البحث عن الحقائق و المساهمة في نشرها، و لا نحتاج على العكس اثارة البلابل و نشرها بمعلمومات مزيفة تدفع بها جهات لها مصالح من الفتن المفتعلة. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

21-Feb-2012: A Historic Yemen Elections

What a historical moment: 21-Feb-2012, Yemen Elections

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Eid Adh-ha Mubarak - دعوة للتسامح...فى وطن التسامح...

Eid Adh-ha Mubarak

An Opportunity to Forgive!

حياتنا ....قيم

..قيمنا ...ثوابت.



...أخلاقنا ...تسامح


دعوة للتسامح...فى وطن التسامح...

Thursday, October 01, 2009 / Markets data / IB.1:IEU: Performance for ICE Brent Crude Oil Front Month / Markets data / IB.1:IEU: Performance for ICE Brent Crude Oil Front Month

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Citigroup: 'Internet banking' is a valubale but not a rare resource

Article Link

In today’s competitive world, and in particular in the banking business industry, banks are trying to deliver the best services to their customers so that they don’t stay way behind their competitors. Just recently, Citigroup bank, the US largest bank, has launched Internet bank hoping to better compete with such rivals as HSBC. But is this physical technology (internet banking) valuable? Is it rare compared to what competitors have? Is it difficult to imitate? And is Citigroup organized to exploit the full competitive potential of its internet banking technology? The following paragraphs answer these questions.

First, to answer whether the internet banking technology (resource) valuable or not, we should ask ourselves whether this resource enabling Citigroup to respond to the environmental threats or opportunities, as Barney refers to it as the ‘question of value’. Indeed, this resource is going to enable Citigroup to respond to the external threats wherein HSBC, which is one of the leading banks, has already this technology employed in its business. And therefore, by launching this internet bank service, Citigroup is trying to catch up and thus respond to those threats. At the same time, the launching of the internet bank enables Citigroup respond to opportunities in such a way that online banking is viewed “as both a source of new customers and a means to increase business with existing customers who prefer to bank through more than one channel”.

Moving on to the question of rareness, now that we have known that the internet banking resource is a valuable one, we need to ask how many competing firms already possess this internet banking valuable resource? Well to my limited knowledge, banks such as HSBC, Credit Suiss, and many others have already launched the online banking technology in their businesses and thus this makes the valuable resource not rare or in other words a common one.

In addition, since the online banking resource is a valuable but a common one, we can’t further say that this resource is difficult to imitate. Instead, we can say that Citigroup is not a strategic innovator because they are not in a position that they are able to conceive of an engage in strategies that other banks could not conceive of. In other words, Citigroup didn’t really gain the first mover advantages. As a result, Citigroup is not that organized to exploit the full competitive potential of its internet banking technology.

To conclude, Barney explains clearly that if a particular resource (or capability) is controlled by many competitors, then that resource is unlikely to be a source of competitive advantage. Instead, valuable but common resources and capabilities are sources of competitive parity. So, this valuable but common internet banking resource can help ensure Citigroup’s survival when they are exploited to create competitive parity in the banking industry.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tameer announces the Business Bay Tower: VIRO Analysis

Article Link

Most of us know Tameer. For those who don’t, according to Tameer website, Tameer is involved in construction of outstanding real estate projects distinguished by a clear vision that relies on accurately selecting the unique location and then adopting innovative and non traditional designs, specifications and services for erecting buildings. Tameer has successfully concluded a number of real estate deals with the government of Sharjah and with a number of business people. Today, the firm's investment portfolio in the market totals AED 40 billion.

The fact that Tameer is going to build the Business Bay Tower in Sharjah, implies that Tameer has many resources and capabilities considered to be their strengths which allows them to compete and expand in the real estate industry. Two of these resources and capabilities could be the brand identity and the physical technology that would help them facilitate such a project. From the resources and capabilities standing point, Barney’s framework (VIRO framework) is highly related to this article.

Are these resources Valuable? Both the brand identity and the physical technology resources (capabilities), that Tameer is using in the Business Bay Tower, are valuable. It is valuable because it enables Tameer to respond to environmental threats and opportunities. This goes inline of how Barney addresses the question of value which asks whether a firm’s resources and capabilities enable the firm to respond to environmental threats and opportunities. To support, Tameer’s physical technology resource used in the Business Bay Tower enables it to respond to environmental threats such as the competitor’s expansion in the real estate industry, Emaar as an example. Furthermore, employing an outstanding technology plus their strong brand identity will enable Tameer to respond to opportunities as their website mentions, “[Tameer] now pursues plans to penetrate the UAE market and a number of other countries through large and distinguished projects within the framework of an ambitious contemporary plan for the future”.

Are these resources Rare? In my opinion, I think that the technology that Tameer is using to build Business Bay Tower is not a rare one because I think that there are other competing firms that already possess such a technology. Not only that, other competing firms also possess a strong brand identity. For example, Emaar (Tameer’s competing firm) possesses both the brand identity and the physical technology. Therefore, these resources are not rare.

Having said that those resources employed in the Business Bay Tower project are valuable but not rare will generate a competitive parity, as a competitive implication wise. In other words, Tameer’s economic performance in this project will be normal.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Intense Rivalry: Microsoft vs. Google

Reading this article reminded me of Porter’s framework for the high linkage in terms and concepts between them.

It is pretty obvious from the article that Microsoft and Google are ‘rivals’. The fact that Microsoft asked a county judge to stop Lee from working at Google proves the existence of intense rivalry in a way that Microsoft doesn’t want its confidential information to be dispersed since Lee was familiar with them. This intense rivalry between them is related to some of the factors that Porter has mentioned in his framework which are: 1) Competitors are diverse in strategies, and 2) High strategic stakes.

First of all, Google as a rival (of Microsoft’s) is diverse in its strategies because Google has been trying to enter the Chinese market not forgetting that Lee, who is a senior executive familiar with the world‘s largest software maker‘s plans in China, could ultimately help Google succeed in the Chinese market. This is supported by the article where it affirmed that Google plans to open a new facility in China –at the end of 2005- to develop new technologies and attract computer science researchers. And as Porter said, “diverse competitors have differing goals and differing ideas about how to compete and are continually running head-on into each other in the process” and to me, Google has different goals and ideas of how to compete.

Second, again the fact that Google wants to enter the Chinese market proves that it wants to increase its strategic stakes. According to Porter, “a diversified company may place great importance on achieving success in a particular industry in order to further its overall corporate strategy”. Relating to this, Google wants to perceive a strong need to establish a solid position in the Chinese market to build ‘global prestige or technological credibility’.

But does Microsoft have the right to stop Lee working at Google? In my opinion, I think that Microsoft made Lee sign a contract which binds him legally to a year not working for a competitor. Therefore, I think that Microsoft have the right to stop him working for a competitor (at least for one year). I don’ think that Google’s defense of "He wanted to work for us" is sufficient to justify Microsoft’s claim!